Recently I saw an ad campaign for a feminine hygiene product about the phrase, “Like A Girl”. Males and females of all ages were asked to demonstrate what it means to do something like a girl. The adults of both genders and the young boys acted out activities like a girl with daintiness, timidity, and lack of skill. The young girls, however, demonstrated any activity like a girl with the utmost power and confidence. What does that say? I believe it reveals that we still have a lot of work cut out for us to change the world’s perception of females, but we are well on our way. The fact that many young, feisty girls have the ability to see themselves as equals to males is outstanding and inspiring. We must do everything we can to keep this trend growing.
![amanda powell, longboard girls crew, longboarding, skate, girl, women, rad women, strong women, women supporting women, gender equality, feminism, cool](
Mark Nisbet photo
Obviously, women have come incredibly far in the past few decades – can you believe that there was a time not long ago when we were not allowed to vote? When the only role we were allowed to pursue was to be a housewife; cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the family? When physical activities, education, and leadership were not an option for us? Clearly we have come leaps and bounds since that time, but I believe that there are still so many issues deeply rooted in society that we need to realize, address, and take a stand against. Ride on, my sisters. We are in the middle of a movement.
Every female that I see on a skateboard brings so much joy to my heart. To me, it doesn’t matter if these girls are just learning to push, or if they are totally ripping. I’m simply stoked that these ladies found the courage inside of themselves to break through the ridiculous wall of gender roles that still exists everywhere today. So much of the population is still under the impression that skateboarding is “too physical” and “too dangerous” for females. What!? They want us to keep our “fragile” bodies unscathed to fit into their ludicrous idea of what a beautiful woman is. Girls, I encourage you to use your body in every way you can! Wear your scars with pride! Do it for yourself, for your own well-being, and for our future. We all have the power within ourselves to stand up against what society wants us to be. We’re putting up a hell of a fight, and we have to persist.
![amanda powell, longboard girls crew, longboarding, skate, girl, women, rad women, strong women, women supporting women, gender equality, feminism, cool](
Mark Nisbet photo
Sexism is everywhere, and “sex sells” couldn’t be a more bogus statement. For every ounce of progression women have made towards equality, advertisement agencies are negating with their sexist campaigns. What bothers me the most are the Photoshopped images of unattainable female bodies and sports ads that portray women as only ornaments to the male athletes. I’m sure like many of you, this is the type of media I grew up with, and have watched drastically increase over time. This type of imagery has been ingrained in my mind like brainwash. The enormous pressure to be pretty, thin, petite, delicate, and unblemished – to be desirable to men – stems an endless slew of very unhealthy issues. We must unlearn what we have been taught.
People will call us crazy feminists for this. They will continue to tell us to get back in the kitchen. They will mock our athleticism. The truth is that they are scared that we are waking up and realizing our power. We are not just cute decorations, we are not pieces of meat to be gawked or hollered at, we are not here to cater to the men. We are equal in every way and we don’t deserve the mental torture of this ongoing sexism. Gals are ripping harder than ever, on boards and in life. If you don’t have something nice to say about that, keep your mouth shut. Seriously. The choices women make, whether it’s what we wear, how we act, or what activities we participate in, don’t warrant a peep of negative feedback. We are stronger than ever for being brave enough to stand tall against all odds and pursue whatever we damn well please. So ladies, let us be this change that we want and need to see in the world. I’m extremely proud of everyone associated with Longboard Girls Crew – our badassery is history in the making. Let’s grow the ovaries (not balls) to continue to destroy the irrational role that is expected of us!