Our good friend and 3-time Longboard World Champion Cori Schumacher just launched the History of Women’s Surfing Fundraising Campaign.
The History of women’s surfing project is an online archive dedicated to the preservation of the stories and histories of female surfers from around the world. There is a wealth of untold stories that exist within a rich women’s surfing heritage. These archives will showcase known and unknown female surfers from all decades and cultures.
In Cori’s words: “One of the problems that continues to rise in connection to the issues I deal with in the realm of surfing, and that I have begun to see play out as other boardsports mature and gain recognition, is a very short-term memory when it comes to the women who have carved the way for all of us to play, compete, and claim our space in action and extreme sports”
Check this video out and discover this amazing project by yourselves:
The Inspire Initiative Presents: The History of Women’s Surfing from The Inspire Initiative on Vimeo.
The History of Women’s Surfing project is an initiative of The Inspire Initiative, a non-profit dedicated to the empowerment of female surfers of all ages around the globe. The History of Women’s Surfing project was founded by Sheri Crummer, a 3- time U.S. Amateur Longboard Champion, Director of the History of Women’s Surfing and Cori Schumacher, 3-time World Longboard Champion, President of The Inspire Initiative and an advocate for women’s surfing.
Please support their Indiogogo campaign here and find out more about the project here.

Cori is boss in & out the water
“Not having a visible heritage to celebrate and lay claim to, our roots are shallow and our movements and individuals can easily be co-opted and detached from the heart of our love for our respective activities. We need to celebrate and highlight the stories of our foremothers, the women who were courageous enough to break barriers in society as well as in the line-up or skateparks or mountain ranges…
It’s time to put the legends of the women who came before us front and center, to salute and celebrate women who deserve more than a short mention in history books written with the male reader in mind. It’s time to discover new heroes, those unsung and often ignored by our media, and to deepen the stories of those we do know!” -Cori Schumacher
Yeah Cori! We support you completely. Please share this campaign and let’s get all these ladies that paved the way for us some recognition!