Hey Pauli! Full name, age, and location, please?
Hey! Maria Paula Rulli, 23 years old, I am from Baradero but I have been living for a couple of years here in the Capital Federal.
How is all the longboarding thing going on in Buenos Aires?
I hope we had some cooler spots, but we have a good time enjoying what we have and trying to do it as good as possible, and there is always the chance of traveling and skateing at other places.
When did you started skating?
About two years ago or so.
![pauli rulli, pauli, rulli, longboard girls crew, longboard girls crew argentina, argentina, longboarding, longboard, girl](https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/966552_10151581735524277_1022806299_o.jpg)
Shot by Gabriel Hernán Morini
What motivated you to start?
I always wanted to learn a sport that had to do with skateboarding. It was a coincidence that I found a school where they teached the basics and where we could use their boards and helmets, because I didn’t have any of those things at that time. So I went there and I loved it, after that I bought everything and started on my own.
Was there someone in specific who helped you?
No, after I had everything I needed I started looking for crews through facebook of people who skated here in Buenos Aires, they told me which were the spots where they went and one day I went to Libano.
Do you have any sponsors?
How do you see the girls crew in Buenos Aires?
Little by little there are more girls adding to the crew and that is great. Usually we are not that many, not only here in Buenos Aires but in other places. The good thing is that we are more everyday and we try to encourage each other to do a little of everything of what we can do.
Do you usually skate with girls?
Yes, like I mentioned we are more and more everyday and since there aren’t many places to skate, at some point will see other girls skating in the regular spots. I skate a lot with boys too, the good thing is skating with people who motivate you to do new things and learn.
Shot by Rafa Mejia
And Argentina in general? How do you see the girls?
Girls are giving their best all the time, no matter where they are from and the style they practice.
What differences can you see between those who skate in Buenos Aires and the ones who skate in different cities?
It depends on the style they practice, but in general if you live in a country where you skate everyday in the mountains or in gnarly hills, your level probably is going to be better. We don’t have much to do here (in Buenos Aires).
Which style do you prefer?
![pauli rulli, pauli, rulli, longboard girls crew, longboard girls crew argentina, argentina, longboarding, longboard, girl](https://scontent-a-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/t31.0-8/885207_10202364162811701_1570903121_o.jpg)
Shot by Morena Noguera
Last year you were part of the LGC Meeting in Bs As, how was that for you?
It was great, we had an awesome weekend and I met a bunch of girls who are gnarly skaters and I have never met before.
What did you feel while doing the clinic?
I almost died of shame hahaha speaking in front of the other girls. It was pretty fun though.
Is there any girl abroad that is like a reference for you?
I like the way Alicia Fillback skates but in general I think that the skate level abroad is gnarlier that here.
Do you think longboarding is different depending if you are girl or a boy?
It’s different depending on your strenght, if you are more or less into it, if you are more or less afraid of falling and hurting yourself, other than that it doesn’t change. We know that we are not at the same level like the guys but we put everything into the sport and we try to have fun while doing it.
![pauli rulli, pauli, rulli, longboard girls crew, longboard girls crew argentina, argentina, longboarding, longboard, girl](https://scontent-a-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/s960x960/859735_530622667008489_1265827031_o.jpg)
Shot by Nano Fotografía
Buenas Pauli! Nombre completo, edad y de dónde sos por favor?
Buenass! María Paula Rulli 🙂 23 años, soy de Baradero pero viviendo ya hace unos años en Capital Federal.
Cómo va el longboard en Buenos Aires?
Ojalá tuviéramos más lugares copados para andar, pero la pasamos bien con lo que hay tratando de meterle lo más posible y siempre que se puede viajar a otros lados a patinar.
Hace cuánto empezaste a patinar?
Hace dos años y algo.
Qué te motivo a empezar?
Siempre quise aprender algún deporte de tabla y justo coincidió que encontré una escuelita que te enseñaban lo básico y te prestaban la tabla y el casco porque yo no tenía nada, así que fui y me re gusto. Enseguida me compré todo y arranqué.
Hubo alguien puntual?
No, después de que conseguí todo para empezar busqué grupos de gente a través de facebook que patinaban acá en Buenos Aires, me contaron cuáles eran los lugares donde ellos iban y un día caí a Libano.
Tienes algun sponsor?
![pauli rulli, pauli, rulli, longboard girls crew, longboard girls crew argentina, argentina, longboarding, longboard, girl](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/999422_515341878536568_645944355_n.jpg?oh=8b0dbf3b9eb3366c4b1434161bdad4ba&oe=54B5ACB7&__gda__=1422025051_46ae803c0663d816994bdac2c8313204)
Shot by Mariano Bruno
Cómo ves a la crew femenina por Buenos Aires?
De a poco se van sumando más chicas y eso esta muy bueno. Generalmente no somo muchas, no solo acá en Buenos Aires sino en otros lados también, lo bueno es que cada vez somos más y tratamos de animarnos a hacer un poco de todo dentro de lo que nos sale.
Patinas regularmente con algunas chicas?
Si, como te decía antes cada vez somos más y como no hay demasiados lugares siempre te cruzas con chicas que patinan. Igualmente patino mucho con chicos también, lo bueno es poder patinar con gente porque te motiva a hacer cosas nuevas y a aprender.
Y en Argentina en general? Cómo ves a las chicas?
Las chicas le meten cada vez más, sean de donde sean y practiquen la modalidad que practiquen.
Qué diferencias ves entre las que patinan en Buenos Aires y las que patinan en el interior de Argentina?
Depende de la disciplina que hagan pero en general si vivís en un lugar donde patinas todos los días en la montaña o en zarpadas bajadas probablemente el nivel sea mayor, que acá que no hay mucho.
Qué modalidad prefieres?
El año pasado fuiste parte del Meeting de LGC en Bs As, cómo salió eso para vos?
Estuvo muy bueno pasamos un finde re lindo y conocí un montón de chicas que patinan zarpado y nunca había visto.
![pauli rulli, pauli, rulli, longboard girls crew, longboard girls crew argentina, argentina, longboarding, longboard, girl](https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/s960x960/1014697_504665556270867_95087160_o.jpg)
Shot by Mariano Bruno
Qué sentiste al dar la clínica?
Casi me muero de vergüenza jajaja, hablar ahí adelante de todas, pero estuvo muy divertido.
Hay alguna chica del exterior que tengas como referencia?
Me gusta como patina Alicia Fillback pero en general el nivel de patineta afuera es mucho más zarpado.
Crees que el longboard es diferente si sos chica o chico?
Por qué?
Varía en que por ahí tenes menos fuerza, te animas menos o tenes un poco más de miedo de caerte o lastimarte pero fuera de eso creo que no. Se sabe que no estamos al mismo nivel que los chicos pero le metemos y tratamos de pasarla bien.