Attention call to all North American lady shredders, this August 26th and 27th Toronto Girls Longboarding is hosting the sixth FUBU (For Us By Us), an all-girls race and dance weekend in Toronto, Canada.
FUBU 6 is hosted by ladies to encourage and support female riders of all levels in the Toronto skate scene, attendees come from all all over Ontario as well as the U.S. It was originally created by our own Cindy Zhou and the legacy continues strong.
The 2016 event had 40 attendees and are expecting an even bigger turn out for this year. Watch all previous FUBU events HERE.
On Saturday there’s a sunset cruise and party and on Sunday a beginner’s and advanced slalom, time trials, push race and dancing contest. Yes, all pretty epic.
Check out the Facebook event and confirm assistance. Expect loads of fun, great prizes and massive girl stoke. We will also be supporting the event through our Instagram account as some of the Toronto Girls Longboarding will be taking over.
All photos by Jonathan Nuss for Skate Invaders. We love you Nuss and see you there!