
MSFF Winners!


The second edition of the Madrid Skate Film Festival (MSFF) was ace!

For the second year in a row the MSFF was held in Matadero Madrid and besides having the usual activities including round tables, spontaneous film marathons, skating area, beer for 1€ & the screening of films such as Berlin’s International Film Festival winner This Ain’t California, Signal Hill: Speed Run or Skateopia: 88 acres of Anarchy; they hosted the skate & longboard video contest. The jury was headed by skater Killian Martin among other well-known personalities linked to the skate and audiovisual scene.

The winner for best longboard movie was MUCH MORE by our friend Sebi Madlener for NISE productions. The riders of the movie -Nico Nührig and Ville Hietala- also won for best riders of the Festival. Check it out!

LONG- MUCH MORE from MSFF on Vimeo.

For the complete ‘Much More’ movie click here, it’s brilliant.


The winner for best skate video was DAMN BITCHES by Nacho Aldecoa

SK8- DAMN BITCHES from MSFF on Vimeo.


Madrid Skate Film Festival is a high-quality film, sports and artistic proposal. It’s bold, original, entertaining and independent. With every edition, the Festival keeps getting better. Congrats to all the winners, we can’t wait for the MSFF next edition!

MSFF 2013 Making Off from MSFF on Vimeo.