May 20, 2014 | Events, Importants, News, We like
We are super stoked to bring you the first ever Girls Week at Woodward Tahoe w/ Hoopla skateboards! Hoopla Skateboards in partnership with Girls Skate Network & Mahfia TV have been pushing the female skateboarding scene for a long time. If you’ve been wanting to...
Mar 12, 2014 | News, We like
Clara Clarafosca is an illustrator based in Barcelona who is highly motivated and passionate about art in general. She also happens to be an amazing rider. She’s been off the roads for a while now due to a heavy injury but she expresses her love for the sport...
Feb 20, 2014 | News, We like
Chances are high that you met André during a longboard event in Europe, sneaking at people, having a small chat, taking photos and smiling. André Kniepkamp is a self-tought photographer based in Cologne, Germany. As a contrast to his 9-5-job as a motiondesigner and...
Feb 27, 2013 | Interviews, News, Valeria Skatetrips, We like
It’s been a while since the last time I did an interview as the interviewer. Being in charge of the press for Longboard Girls Crew makes me answer interviews quite often. But Frank Turner was in town and thought it would be fun to interview him and The Sleeping Souls...
Jan 3, 2013 | News, We like
The Morro Bay Skateboard Museum opened in July of 2012 is currently leading a Crowd-funding campaign to help them keep providing a place where the public can learn about skateboarding history and culture. The museum’s visitors include older skaters who enjoy...
Oct 22, 2012 | Events, News, We like
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