Aug 6, 2015 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere
Daddies Board Shop and LGC are teaming up to host Portland’s premiere of OPEN, our latest movie Directed by Daniel Etura. Next Wednesday August 12 don’t miss a day filled with activities! It will start at 3pm where they will be hosting a skate session up...
Aug 5, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Trips, Valeria Skatetrips
I’ve been laying in a German hospital bed in a city -that wasn’t in my skate trip schedule- for three days now. That’s the thing about skateboarding… It takes you to the most random places, hospitals included. I came to Germany to meet my friends and go to the first...
Jul 21, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere
We are stoked to announce Australia’s Theatre Premiere of OPEN, a Film by Daniel Etura, is happening July 31st at Rivoli Cinemas, Melbourne! ‘OPEN is the name and concept of the new Longboard Girls Crew (LGC) film directed by Daniel Etura. The movie...
Jul 21, 2015 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere
LGC USA ambassador Possala Wang has been working on a rad event that includes Georgia’s OPEN -by Daniel Etura- premiere on Sunday August 2nd! Check it out: Welcome to the LBA x LGC S.S.S. Hunt! Longboard Atlanta and Longboard Girls Crew is working...
Jul 19, 2015 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere
The French OPEN premiere is ready and its a day full of activities… Get ready! This Thursday July 23rd we’re hosting an OPEN -a film by Daniel Etura- day in Lyon sponsored by CDK Longskates and Secoa Longskates. We will start at 4.00pm at the Parc de Parilly to...
Jul 1, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Videos
We loved the first and second episodes of the French series ‘French Girls Down the Mountains’ so we were stoked to go to one of the most amazing spots in Europe to shoot the third and final episode of the series under Mstr Pan’s direction. Lyde...