Jan 11, 2016 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere, We like
Some months ago (ok, 6 months ago) we hosted with Skullcandy, 7SkyLife & Chixxs on Board the Swiss OPEN premiere in Zurich at the Skullcandy European HQ… and what a day we had! We started the evening inviting everyone to join us for a Girls Meet, where as usual we...
Jan 8, 2016 | Importants, LGC, News, Videos, We like
Kanya Sesser is a true inspiration. The 23 year old was born without legs in Thailand and was abandoned by her parents on the steps of a Buddhist Temple. After being raised by monks for a few years and being shuffled back and forth between foster homes, she was...
Jan 7, 2016 | Importants, LGC, News
Two years ago I had a dream. It was a dream that involved challenges and proving a (personal) point. It was a pursuit of happiness and a curiosity for stepping outside of the comfort zone. It was several dreams boiling into one. I started that dream with writing these...
Dec 10, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, We like
We’ve been supporting Skateistan for a long time now. Promoting the movement, the movie and hosting the Spanish premieres for Skateistan The Movie: Four Wheels and a Board in Kabul in Madrid and Barcelona. Now it’s time to go a step further and become a...
Nov 21, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Videos, We like
The movement #covertheathlete launched this awesome video exposing some of what’s wrong with media coverage of female athletes. Sexist commentary, inappropriate interview questions, and articles commenting on physical appearance not only trivializes a woman’s...
Nov 17, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Road Trip, Trips, Videos
We’re over the moon to finally show you our ad for Bouygues Telecom, one of France’s biggest telephone companies. Some weeks ago some of us including Eider Walls, Ishtar Bäcklund, Lyde Begue, Noelia Otegui, Femke Bosma and Valeria Kechichian shot in...