Jan 21, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Trips, Videos
ENGLISH (Español abajo) It’s time! The OPEN short video with extracts from the full movie released online! As many of you know, OPEN (the full movie) won’t be available online for some time as it’s being part of different Film Festivals and distributed globally. Our...
Jan 19, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Videos, We like
Not only we’ve featured Skateistan plenty of times and support them as much as we can but we’ve also hosted the Spanish screenings of their movie Skateistan, Four wheels and a board in Kabul in Madrid & Barcelona. Skateistan is such an amazing project...
Jan 11, 2015 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere
As you may already know, the Israeli and German premieres of our new movie ‘OPEN – lgc skates Israel’ directed by Daniel Etura are happening this week! On Friday 16th our Dasilva Boards brothers are hosting the premiere in Ramat ha sharon at the...
Jan 9, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News
Never in the history of Women Downhill Skateboarding we had had a season with so many women racing and doing it as fast. These are the 2014 IDF Women’s Top 10 Results: Elena Corrigall (CAN) Marie Bougourd (FRA) Tamara Prader (SWI) Georgia Bontorin (BRA) Emily...
Dec 5, 2014 | Importants, LGC, News, We like
Board of Media is an amazing documentary project and not-for-profit campaign raising awareness of the inequality in action sports. Emma, Alex, Connor & Jed make up team Board of Media, based in London where the action sports scene is booming and especially the...
Dec 1, 2014 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Trips
The Catalina Island Classic began in 1977, bringing skaters to a lovely island sitting cozy of the coast of southern California. After taking a few decades off, hopes of racing in the beautiful city of Avalon regained life. Brent “Dubes” Eldorf of Resource...