Apr 17, 2015 | Importants, Interviews, LGC, News
Versión en español más abajo ↓ Hi Giorginna! How is it going? Full name, age and location, please! Everything is really good! I am 20 years old, from Lima, Perú. I feel blessed by my country’s geography and having the ‘Cordillera de los Andes’ through it and with that...
Mar 29, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Valeria Skatetrips, Videos, We like
Our Director Valeria Kechichian was invited to the the show L’EXPRESSO in Be In Sports Channel in Paris to talk about longboarding, LGC and the worldwide female movement. Scroll to minute 21.20 to see our part. Spreading the word everywhere! Ps. We’re very...
Mar 17, 2015 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere
Please take a minute to enjoy what has been one of the greatest nights of our lives. OPEN -by Daniel Etura- premiered worldwide in Madrid last November during the Madrid Skate Film Festival and several OPEN riders came from all over the world to whiteness this epic...
Mar 12, 2015 | Events, Importants, LGC, News
No Bull Battle Bayou went off with a BANG in Texas! I had the privilege to be a part of longboard history with Houston throwing down the first ever LEGAL garage race, presented by TEAM NO BULL and the continued support of outrageously generous sponsors! THANK YOU...
Mar 8, 2015 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere
We’re stoked to announce the Norwegian premiere of OPEN on March 15th hosted by GAIA, an all-female group who encourages women to peruse their passions. Longboard Girls Crew Norway ambassador Lorenza Walker is co-hosting and organizing the screening and our...
Mar 2, 2015 | Importants, LGC, News, Videos
This is so awesome. Our Longboard Girls Crew Japan ambassador Ayumi Oride did this edit introducing the LGC Japanese crew members. Please watch and be amazed by these girls’ passion, drive and stoke share. We love you ladies!! Keep shredding ladies of the world!...