Apr 2, 2012 | Importants, LGC, News
On 26th of April at 22:30 Sala Marco Aldany Madrid , Spain It’s a great honour for Longboard Girls Crew to announce that we will soon reach the unbelievable 100 thousands likes in our Facebook Page! It seems like it was only yesterday when we gathered one... Mar 28, 2012 | News, We like
LGC is happy to announce the upcoming premiere of “Underexposed” a documentary about female skateboarding by polish born filmmaker Amelia Brodka. The documentary is Amelia’s senior thesis project at USC (University of Southern California) and is meant to... Mar 26, 2012 | Events, LGC, News
Este fin de semana del 23-25 de Marzo ha sido uno de los mejores fines de semana que podemos recordar de nuestra corta historia. Más de 50 chicas de toda España nos juntamos en Zaragoza para el Primer Girls’meet, un evento organizado por LGC y Longboard Zaragoza y que... Mar 26, 2012 | Events, Importants, LGC, News
This past weekend 23-25 March was one of the best weekends we can remember of our Longboarding history. More than 50 girls from across Spain gathered in Zaragoza for the first Girls’ Meet, an event hosted by Longboard Girls Crew and Longboard Zaragoza. It was an...Mar 21, 2012 | News, Videos
What if those who re-invent ways of travelling and ways of living could meet together in one place in a certain date? We might not just imagine it, this is happening in Madrid and ..Hopefully, WE WILL BE PART OF IT! www.mulared.org is an initiative to...Mar 12, 2012 | News, Videos
We want to congratulate Ella Howlett for the first anniversary of Longboard UK Channel with more than 2000 subscribers!! It aint easy and she has done it…Imagine, more than 2000 people following her and learning lots of tricks with this great British...