Skateistan The Movie

Skateistan The Movie

Longboard Girls Crew and LovingSports are thrilled to announce the Spanish screening of Skateistan The Movie, a documentary about Skateistan, the first Afghan-based co-educational skate school founded by Oliver Percovich & Sharna Nolan in 2007. The film follows...
Skateistan La Película

Skateistan La Película

Longboard Girls Crew y Lovingsports se complacen en presentar la proyección española de Skateistan The Movie, un documental basado en la historia de Skateistan, el primer colegio mixto de skate en Afganistán fundada por Oliver Percovich y Sharna Nolan en 2007. La...
Longboard Girls Meet during Greenskate Cologne!

Longboard Girls Meet during Greenskate Cologne!

Greenskate, one of the biggest longboard events worldwide is happening this weekend, among other cities, in Cologne, Germany. Greenskate has been promoting longboarding as an effective form of environmentally friendly transportation and recreation since 2007. It was...
La muela Freeride II

La muela Freeride II

La Muela Freeride II 27-28 Abril 2013   Por segundo año Longboard Zaragoza, Caribbean y Longboard Girls Crew vuelven a unir sus fuerzas para organizar La Muela Freeride II, que tendrá lugar el 27 y 28 de abril. Dos días de pura diversión sea cual sea tu nivel o...
Maitane on wheels

Maitane on wheels

Maitane Rascón is such a versatile and graceful rider! Check all she’s capable of on wheels in this short film by Oier Peñasco (her boyfriend, sorry guys) and edited by Marta Guillén. She makes it look SOOO easy. No wonder her sponsors are so pleased with...