Nov 13, 2018 | LGC, News, Uncategorized, Videos
El 13 y 14 de octubre en el marco del Moreira DH en Catamarca, LGC Argentina organizó el SHERIDE, encuentro de mujeres de todo el país para compartir una tarde juntas, celebrar el downhill femenino Argentino, patinar y dar clínicas de DH y seguridad para las que...
Nov 6, 2018 | LGC, News, Videos
What a real skate trip with the girls look like… By LGC Canadian Ambassador Dizzy Hiebert. When “Gnarly” Charlie invites you to the Sunshine Coast, you can’t say no. So I brought a couple Fraser Valley babes with me, and we hit up the coast for...
Oct 29, 2018 | LGC, News, Videos
Brazilian riders are known for their incredible dancing and freestyle skills. But Brazil also gave us some of the most talented tech-sliders in the world: Jéssica Amorim, Nayara Nishimuta.. and of course some of the fastest DH champions: Mel Brogni, Reine Oliveira,...
Sep 7, 2018 | Importants, LGC, News, Uncategorized, We like
Through our journey working with girls and women all over the world, supporting and empowering ourselves we have learnt some of the most valuable lessons to thrive together into this new era where we have redefined women’s perception, not only from outside (i.e....
Jul 31, 2018 | Events, LGC, News
That time of the year! FUBU is back and this time we’ve got ourselves a double date. Toronto – August 25-26 Toronto Girls Longboarding and Longboard Girls Crew Canada will be hosting FUBU 7, an all women’s, trans and non-binary longboarding weekend...
Apr 7, 2018 | LGC, News, Videos
LGC US Ambassador Rachel Bagels raging down a road somewhere in southern California. Enjoy! Remember to always skate within your limits on open...