Jul 27, 2016 | Events, News, Videos
Yesterday July 26th the Vans Park Series took place in Huntington Beach, California. The inaugural Vans Park Series establishes the premier global points ranking system for Men’s and Women’s in the park category, so the top 10 qualifiers from yesterday out of the 33...
Jul 18, 2016 | Events, LGC, News
Longboard Girls Crew Greece is a small team of girls who mostly want to have fun riding and inspire other girls to join. Some of us have been skating for longer and some are in their very first steps… That said we thought we had to organize our first workshop to...
Jul 7, 2016 | Events, LGC, News, Videos
In the end of april some of Germany’s dancing & freestyle longboard girls met up in Bielefeld, Germany to dedicate a whole weekend of skating together and having a great time – the first little S*pin-Weekend! S*pin is Maria Arndt’s carrer project that...
Apr 5, 2016 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere
Longboard Girls Crew India’s OPEN Premiere and Workshop had a pleasant start today. Five of us girls, skaters and photographers made a road trip to United World College, an IB high school up in the hills on a biodiversity reserve. We Made it just in time (India...
Jan 11, 2016 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Open - lgc skates Israel, Open Premiere, We like
Some months ago (ok, 6 months ago) we hosted with Skullcandy, 7SkyLife & Chixxs on Board the Swiss OPEN premiere in Zurich at the Skullcandy European HQ… and what a day we had! We started the evening inviting everyone to join us for a Girls Meet, where as usual we...
Sep 2, 2015 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, We like
We’re more than proud to finally present you Valeria Kechichian’s TEDx Talk in Madrid. For those of you who don’t know Valeria Co-Founded and runs Longboard Girls Crew. The theme of the event was “Shaking up the Order” and was perfectly...