Valentine’s Push in Philippines review

Valentine’s Push in Philippines review

The  “Valentine Push” is an annual tradition held by longboarders in Cebu and this year LGC Philippines had the honor of hosting the event. Aubrey Bejec (LGC Phil core member) and me were putting it together and had similar ideas on how we wanted to do the event. We...
Women in Boardsports Conference 2013

Women in Boardsports Conference 2013

Women in Boardsports (WIB) is an organization devoted to supporting, educating and inspiring women in the board sports industry, founded by Carmela Fleury and Daniela Meyer to create an opportunity for women in boardsports to network, share resources and inspire each...
O’Marisquiño 2013

O’Marisquiño 2013

Arnette O’Marisquiño ya está aquí un año más. Del 9 a 11 de agosto estará en Vigo lo más puntero del deporte y la cultura urbana. Skate, BMX, Graffiti, Breakdance, Parkour, Trial, Motocross y música en vivo son sólo algunas de las atracciones de este Festival que va...
MSFF Winners!

MSFF Winners!

The second edition of the Madrid Skate Film Festival (MSFF) was ace! For the second year in a row the MSFF was held in Matadero Madrid and besides having the usual activities including round tables, spontaneous film marathons, skating area, beer for 1€ & the...