May 23, 2014 | Events, LGC, News, Videos
Our Argentinean girls Camille Lex Yeux, Mailén Córdoba Martinez, Magda Blanc, Poli Waggio & Yamile Isach attended this fun event in Gonet. Yamile gathered some of the best runs in this clip. Additional filming by Matias...
May 22, 2014 | Events, News
Puretas on the Road es un grupo cada vez más grande de skaters Madrileños de mediana edad (+30, dudoso estado físico, algún que otro hijo no-reconocido y muchas ganas de patinar) que se juntaron casi al azar para retomar o empezar con el skate. Tres años y muchas...
May 21, 2014 | Events, Importants, LGC, News, Videos
Longboard Girls Crew Colombia just held the second Clinic for Girls in Bogotá which gathered more than 30 girls. Check it out, the level is rising! This looks so much fun!...
May 20, 2014 | Events, Importants, News, We like
We are super stoked to bring you the first ever Girls Week at Woodward Tahoe w/ Hoopla skateboards! Hoopla Skateboards in partnership with Girls Skate Network & Mahfia TV have been pushing the female skateboarding scene for a long time. If you’ve been wanting to...
May 19, 2014 | Events, LGC, News
French Patrol, Blackkross and FunBird are thrilled to invite you to this massive event in France starting May 28th till June 1st: Longboard Xperience 2014. The event will take place during the FISE in Montpellier and consist in 5 days of dancing, 5 days of sliding and...
May 17, 2014 | Events, News
Desde la FES se lanza la primera formación de monitores de longboard skate, curso incluido en el plan formativo 2014 aprobado por el CSD. Con una mezcla entre Licenciados en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, técnicos de la selección y riders con una larga...