“Lights and Magic” is the first episode of “Lima Longboarding”, an audiovisual project brought to us by our dearest friends of Longboard Girls Crew Peru and produced by Nancy Chavez.
“Lima Longboarding” shows how fast the sport is growing in the city. Spots like Quilmana – in the southern part of Lima, La Molina – the longboarders paradise, among other places that have witnessed the high level of Peruvians longboarders.
The first shooting day took place last April 6th at 10 pm in the old streets of Lima’s Downtown, sorrounded by colonial architecture with great lighting. Riders from different districts of Lima attended and were really excited about being part of this first episode. Starring this adventure full of fun, lights and magic that accompanied them throughout the shooting. The result: a wonderful friday night skating under the moonlight.
Stay tuned for “Lights and Magic” release!!