
LGC around the world

It’s for us a great honor a pleasure to see how the girls’ stoke is spreading everywhere, from Brazil to Australia, from Malaysia to France. We would never have thought that this tiny seed we planted in Spain will grow beyond our country so quickly and strong. Longboard Girls is slowly transforming itself from a phenomenon into something normal, we couldn’t be happier!
And the beauty of it is that it’s something that we have achieved together, the job our ambassadors are doing is invaluable and we will be endless grateful for their good will and passion they put on each and every action they do abroad to cheer girls up, advice them and support them.
Thanks once again for your incredible job, without you nothing would be possible!

Here a small compilation of some of the International Crews appearances on TV:

LGC Colombia :

LGC Malaysia :

LGC Uruguay :

LGC France :


LGC Indonesia :


If you want to know if there is an LGC in your country, check the Staff TAB. We are updating it continuously.