We’re stoked to present you the LGC Board product review video! A board designed specifically for women but can also be used by men.
It’s a perfect board for beginners, but also for more advanced riders.
Designed for cruising, dancing & freestyle and also for freeride. Finally one board for everything!
For all the specifications of the board and to find out where to get it click HERE
Board distribution: Season Distribution – Germany: info@seasondistribution.de
Molde: Icone Longboards – Austria
Graphic: Ilusteo
Video Director: Noelia Otegui
Music: “This City” by the amazing STONEFOX! OPEN rider Jenna Russo’s band.
Speaker & rider: Valeria Kechichian
You can let us know your thoughts, suggestions or doubts in the comments section. If you already made the great choice of getting a LGC Board, send us your photo or use the hashtag #lgcboard so that we can find it. We want to see them all around the world!
Longboard Girls Crew (LGC) work relentlessly supporting and promoting women in longboarding and action sports all over the world, reinforcing our role in the scene. By purchasing this board you’re contributing with our cause and helping us keep on going. Join us!