We’re more than proud to finally present you Valeria Kechichian‘s TEDx Talk in Madrid. For those of you who don’t know Valeria Co-Founded and runs Longboard Girls Crew.
The theme of the event was “Shaking up the Order” and was perfectly organized by IE – Business School in Madrid. Valeria’s talk was “We Ride The Shift”. Please take 15 minutes to watch and hear our view on society, women, women in action sports, the absolute need for change and revolution. Also, some of Valeria’s personal story and struggles and how she has overcome many of these through skateboarding. Enjoy!
Some of the highlights of the talk:
“The thing is, if you grew up in a mainstream western education like me chances are that you have been taught what you need to do at every age, what they expect from us at every age… born, go to school, we’re all the same, we don’t focus in any particular gift we may have, we have to fit in, and since we are little we live in a society were the meanest wins.. the strongest and ruthless for boys and the prettiest and meanest for the girls”
Bukovski said:
“Some lose all mind and becomes soul, insane. Some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual. Some lose both and become accepted”
“When it comes to women, among many other things they make us chase these ideals that are impossible to achieve regarding youth, beauty and body shape. They make us think that our looks are more important than anything else we can offer to the world. We’re also often portrayed as trophies and highly objectified. The main message I get as a woman is DO NOT LOVE YOURSELF”.
“We are giving power to women not only through longboarding or skateboarding but through that feeling of stepping out of their comfort zones, doing something they never thought they would and that feeling affects your whole life. It gives you the empowering sense of freedom. For us, skateboarding is the tool. You chose your own”
They make us think that there are so few spots for women in action sports, in business, in politics or any field that’s male dominated that we had to fiercely fight between each other and compete for those few spots… when the truth was absolutely different all the way… we will only REALLY make it if we stick together
“Cause I believe that WE as women and US as a society have much bigger power and potential than what they want us to believe”
“With what we did in our sport, we’re inspiring women worldwide to use the same camaraderie forces and apply them in their own fields”
“It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you’re coming from.. whatever you’ve been through life, we can all work for change…. We should all work for change”
“It’s time to unlearn what we’ve been taught and start thinking out of the box. It’s time to shift”
“Today, the biggest revolution is love. Be revolutionary”
We want to thank each and everyone who made this event possible starting by the amazing staff of IE: Mercedes, Roger, Mica, Marine, Enrik, Rosario, Judy and everyone who dedicated long hours to make it happen. Endless thanks!
Big thanks to the photographers of the photos we used for the presentation: Juan Rayos, Noelia Otegui, Rafael Lucena, Tony3Sixty, Tom Goldwasser and Gádor Salís.
To all the athletes and photographers who gave us their photo to show our version of women by the following order:
1. Cami Best shot by Khaleeq Alfred
2. Lacey Baker shot by Mahfia.tv
3. Nadjia Purtshert shot by David Birri
4. Amanada Powell shot by Matt Kienzle
5. Korina Smirek shot by Jonathan Viey
6. Sina Candrian shot by Vanessa Andrieux
7. Kara Marbe shot by Ishtar Bäcklund
8. Alexandra Arendt shot by Christine Chau
A big and special thanks to sister Kim Woozy, Founder of Mahfia.tv for all your help, assistance and inspiration on this one. Love you sis, thanks forever.
To Laurent Perraud for the endless inspiration and support who along with Coco Taché & Iker Aguirre changed my life and helped me become the woman I’m today, in constant evolution.
To all my friends and family who flew over to Spain to be with me, asked for the day at work or missed class: Mom, Car, Fede, Elena, Coco, Pepe & Thierry. As said, it wouldn’t have been the same without you! And to everyone who was with me that day, sent their love and saw it via live-streaming: I love you so much!!
The rEVOLution started already. Let’s keep it rolling!