The One Dollar Item project is a non-profit initiative developed by The Digital Invaders Interactive School and supported by Patrick Switzer, Rayne Longboards, Orangatang Wheels, Triple 8 Helmets, Holsom Pucks and Edge Longboard store with a clear mission: help the young athletes of the rural community of Mesa de las Tablas to compete in the “Maryhill Festival of Speed 2015”.
With a meager population of 174, the community of Mesa de las Tablas has one of the best longboarding spots in Northern Mexico. The local crew of troublemakers Toro, Tito, Gerardo and Uriel have been practicing their Longboarding skills for a little more than 4 years. Ever since they met the city longboarders that wandered through their town.
Mesa de las Tablas is categorized has one of the best spots to practice longboarding in Mexico. This year is going to be the fifth time that the IDF -International Downhill Federation- celebrates their Mexico stage in the town.
Longboarding it’s a very new sport in Mexico but these boys are determined to go against the current, and ride the hills as fast as the wind.
Buy a longboarding item for the price of one dollar. You can buy a deck, a pair of trucks, a set of wheels, a pair of pucks or a full-face helmet for the price of one dollar. Donate $1 U.S. Dollar or more to become the “temporary owner” of the item. If someone else already owns it, you can “steal” it from him. A random dynamic will determine the item’s final (and real) owner. Our ambassador Patrick Switzer will announce when an item is no longer for sale and determine the winner with a random dynamic. It all depends on Patrick’s crazy imagination.
All the funds that we recollect will be used to take these kids to the Maryhill Festival of Speed 2015.
If you want to be involved in the project go to and follow them on their Instagram so you can see how can you help.
Since the beginning, the children of Mesa de las Tablas were destined to ride their longboards with the wind.
Skate Slate
One Dollar Item es un proyecto sin fines de lucro, Iniciativa de Digital Invaders Escuela de Creatividad Interactiva y apoyada por Patrick Switzer, el cual tiene como objetivo llevar a competir al equipo de Venados Longboarding a Maryhill Festival of Speed 2015 en Washington, USA.
Venados longboarding es un equipo mexicano integrado por 4 jóvenes (Uriel, “Gera”, “Tito” y “Toro”) originarios de la comunidad rural de Mesa de las Tablas en el municipio de Arteaga, Coahuila. Con apenas 174 personas, la economía del pueblo se sustenta de la producción de manzanas en las épocas de primavera y otoño.
Categorizado como uno de los mejores lugares para practicar Downhill en México, Mesa de las Tablas se ha convertido, desde hace 5 años, en cede de una de las etapas del campeonato mundial de Downhill organizada por la IDF -International Donwhill Federation- en el mes de mayo.
Es así como estos jóvenes nacieron destinados para correr. La escasez de recursos jamás ha sido un impedimento para que estos chicos adictos a la adrenalina, comenzaran a practicar longboarding. Rápidamente se han ganado un puesto en la comunidad nacional de longboard, por su talento y dedicación.
Tras un par de años de esfuerzo y practica, han logrado posicionarse en prestigiados puestos de diferentes competencias en el interior de México (Guadalajara, Puebla, León y Veracruz).